Frequently asked questions (FAQ)
A VR escape room is a virtual reality quest in which a team of participants works together to survive and escape a virtual reality challenge by solving puzzles and finding and "exit" point. The participants have 1 hour to complete the mission.
At least 2 and up to 6 people can play. We recommend to have at least 4 members team as the games will be more engaging and challenging.
It is not recommended that people with epilepsy play the games, individuals with heart disease and pregnant women play at their own risk.
People under the influence of drugs or alcohol will be denied access to play.
Games are not age-restricted. VR goggles manufactures suggest a minimum age for the use of their device to be 13 years old. If children of a younger age want to play, their parents assume any and all responsibility for them and can choose to have them play at their own risk.
The only things you need to bring with you are courage and willingness to learn and experience something new! We are not using controllers to play the games - you will be using your hands. Our operators will also be there to help you and assist in every step of the way.
Cosmos is available in 13 and Mind Horror in 3 languages. Since our operators can speak English, Czech, Russian and Spanish, we offer our services mainly in those languages.
If you would like to play in another language, you can contact us to see if we have it available. In this case, at least 2 of your team members must speak one of the operators' languages for eaiser communication.
You can use a scheduling tool Doodle. You don't have to register to schedule an event.
One booking is set for 90 minutes. The game is an hour long and the rest of the time is allocated for instructions and taking pictures after the game.
Arrive at the time of your reservation.
Unfortunatelly not at the moment. We accept payments in cash at the location or payments in advance: online card payment, PayPal, money transfer to a bank account.
Oculsu DK2, Leap Motion sensor, and extremely fast and powerful computers.
Leap Motion sensor brings your hands (hand gestures) into the game, and you will see them as the hands of your avatar.
Our Facebook page is a great source for more content and the best sale offers, but also check out our page on TripAdvisor.
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Require 2-6 players per session
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Contact Information
Žitná 1691/44, 120 00 Praha 2-Nové Město, Czechia
IČO: 05852242
Write us at
Call us on+420 607 044 123
© 2019 Torch VR.